Delivery Policies

It takes between 1-2 weeks for us to deliver your ordered merchandize from the time you place the order on our site. We do a thorough quality check on the merchandize and then ship as per your order and destination. India1001 ensures that the fastest and most efficient dispatch & delivery chain is in place to get your orders to you as swiftly as possible from our warehouse. The goods will be delivered within 3 working days from the date of dispatch for all deliveries within India. On dispatch we will send you a mail giving you the details of the courier service used.

Delivery area

India1001 delivers to 700 locations within the geographical boundary of India.

Delivery methods

India1001 dispatches all parcels using a courier chosen according to your order or the type of products sold on India1001.com, to offer you fast and reliable delivery.


For deliveries within India charges will be a flat rate of Rs. 50 irrespective of your parcel's location, weight, volume, fragility and the value of your order.

Cash on delivery

Cash on delivery option is available only in India and for amounts less than Rs 5,000. If the chosen mode of payment is cash on delivery, there is another charge of Rs. 75 as convenience charges. You can view the delivery charges at the time of payment. These are over and above the selling price of the product. You can also view the delivery charges in the invoice or My order section.

Delivery problems

Despite our best efforts and those of our courier, certain issues can arise before your parcel is delivered. In order to guarantee you seamless service quality, India1001 promises to do its best to find the causes and resolve the problem in a timely manner.

What Happens if I am not Available to Receive my Parcel?

Should you not be present when our courier attempts to deliver your parcel, a card will be left for your information. A second attempt will automatically be made after 48 hour, along with a card. After the second attempt, our courier will hold on to your parcel for 7 days awaiting further instructions from the recipient before returning your parcel to India1001.com . Once the parcel has been sent back to us, you must wait until it arrives in our warehouse. We wilredispatch it to you as per your instructions.

What if the courier is unable to leave a card?

If your post-box is inaccessible and our courier was not able to leave a card, we recommend you contact us directly so that we can take matters further and locate your parcel.

What should I do if I receive a damaged parcel?

If when you receive your parcel, you notice that it is damaged you should refuse to accept it. All parcels are guaranteed to be in perfect condition when they are dispatched from our warehouse.. Send us an e-mail at support@india1001.com stating that you have refused to accept the damaged parcel within 2 days of receiving the parcel. Please send us the parcel. It should reach us within 7 days. Incase we don't have stock at that point in time we will issue a credit note for the amount paid.

What should I do if a damaged parcel has been left for me?

If your parcel was left for you in your post-box, or if your neighbour has accepted it on your behalf, and it is damaged, the parcel is considered 'Accepted'. If on opening your parcel you notice that items are damaged or missing, please inform us within 2 days of receiving the parcel by sending an e-mail at support@india1001.com For further information on returns kindly visit our return policy.

I Have Only Received Part of my Order

Please be aware that your order may be dispatched in separate parcels and on different dates. If the shipment dates have lapsed and you have not received your entire order, please contact us by sending a mail to customer care at support@india1001.com